ISL INNOVATIVE SYSTEM LOGISTIC GmbH – further expansion of relationship with faurecia -isl awarded with faurecia worldwide business for the ford focus series
ISL Innovative GmbH is expanding its relationship with its strategic partner Faurecia Interior Systems at the Saarwellingen plant. Since January 2015, ISL is in charge of the storage and worldwide shipping preparation of interior components for the FORD Focus series.
On 2,700 m² floor space ISL performs logistics services including visual checks, repackaging, relabeling and storage of interior components delivered by Faurecia and its suppliers. After customer orders have been received, ISL is responsible for picking and worldwide shipping preparation before the components are shipped to Faurecia and FORD destinations in Europe, Asia and the US. To support order execution, ISL’s WMS (Warehouse Management System) is directly linked to the customer’s SAP system, enabling ISL to offer dynamic warehouse management solutions and daily inventory reporting to the customer.
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